Category Archives: Antons blog

Social Impact Report and Reach for Change

Social Impact Report and Reach for Change

As one of the Change Leaders in the Reach for Change incubator I’m happy to announce that the Social Impact Report 2015 has been released! It is so awesome to read the report and find that DayCape is highlighted as one of the examples that is making a positive difference for children all over the… Read more

Movie time!

Every human experience is really unique, and sometimes explaining it with words can be tricky and almost diminishing to the experience. To see the world from different perspectives and specially through the eyes of other real humans is very enriching and is something we from the DayCape team really recommend doing once in a time!… Read more

New DayCape app update 2.0

New DayCape app update 2.0

We at DayCape has worked with children to develop a new super good update to the iPhone app. With the new improvements, we’ve created new features that make DayCape more fun and better to use during the day. ? DayCape friends are finally here! In the app, you can now choose from several friends who… Read more

Android version in sight

Android version in sight

    Last week Anton went to Guthenburg as DayCape was nominated in the “Open application – free creation” category at The Brewhouse Awards 2015. This Award Ceremony was the final in Sweden’s most creative Idea- and Innovation competition. Along with other awesome businesses we competed for some funding and other cool benefits that is valuable… Read more

Awareness day crowdfunding video

This week we have been in the studio filming for the crowdfunding video for autism awareness day. In this video I will talk about why we think DayCape is such an important project. I will also show what we built so far and talk about what it could be used for.

CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN FOR AUTISM AWARENESS DAY Today at the World autism awareness day we are starting a crowdfunding campaign for the creation of DayCape. In the fund video the creator of DayCape Anton Håkanson shares his personal story and why he think tools like DayCape need to exists. Anton learned to talk very late and usually seems to draw himself… Read more