Molly test DayCape

Molly och Lukas
Last week the team had a coffee break with Molly and tested the autism calendar app DayCape with her.

Molly is testing DayCape with her friend Lukas.
Molly said to us:
– I like it! I could put my whole schedule in it. Most important would be to add when I need to go to bed cause that can be easy to forget. I think it’s great that I can add my complete schedule in detail. Mostly I think I would like to choose colors for my daily routines because then it’s easy to organize them. I would also like to add my training schedule because then I can see how long I need to do each exercise.

Sometimes when there’s a lot of things going on around me it can be hard to focus. Then a calendar like this could be very useful for me.

I’m super impressed by the calendar so far! These guys have put a lot of great work in it.

I would really like to have DayCape on my phone and I got a loot of friends that could have a great help from it.