How to use the app

Before you start using the app
You need a account on the website. To read more click here.

When the CapePlanner has created an account and created a list of activities, it is time for the CapeUser to log in to the app. 

Download the app
DayCape can be downloaded free of charge from the AppStore (iPhone) or GooglePlay (Android).

In the app, you have simple overview of your daily schedule and reminders. With a one time login you´ll stay connected to the schedule that a parent, teacher or someone else can create for you during the day. When new activities is added they will automatically appear in the app even if the app isn’t open.


Choose role

Before you login, you need to choose who your login as in to determine what kind of features you have access too. 


As a child, you are a CapeUser. This means you need a CapePlanner to help you with the scheduling. So you can view your activities, get reminded, and use the “Share your mood” feature. The child can also enable “Create activities” in the settings if the child wants to create activities. However, editing and administrating is done by a CapePlanner. 


As a parent, you want to help your children with daily planning as a CapePlanner. This means you can create and edit the activities for all your children. You can also administer your children to account and give Caretakers or teachers to help with the planning as CapePlanners. 


As a teacher, you want to help your students to structure their day between and during class-sessions. You can plan specific students or your whole class at the same time. You can also invite other teachers, parents, or caretakers as CapePlanners to your students. Also, make sure to try the DayCape web application for more teacher-specific features by clicking here. 


The user role is for adults that need some extra help with the daily planning from another person. 


The planner role is for someone helping an adult that needs some extra help with planning. 

Log in
First you need to login. For this your CapePlanner must give you the username and password that you need to log in.


Keep the day under control 

The app gives you an overview of the planned activities and will automatically show which activity is the next one. You can also see what you did yesterday, what is happening today, and what tomorrow has to offer. All activities listed from the past in the top and the coming in the botton.



Get reminders
When it is time for an activity the the phone notifies you with a sound. Then the activity that is due becomes green and a timer starts.



Use the timer
The time meter counts down how long it will take to complete the activity. The colour of the timer shows how much time has passed since the activity started. It is different in length and have different colors depending on how long the activity takes.
Blue short meter – 15 minutes or less.
Green meter  More than 15 minutes, and less than 30 minutes
Yellow meter  – More than 30 minutes, and less than 45 minutes
Red meter More than 45 minutes, and less than 60 minutes
Purple meter –  More than 60 minutes

Share your mood
When you have carried out an activity, you can share how you feel about it with other people by choosing a suitable face icon.


Overview activities and receive messages
When you click on an activity you will see a overview of the activity and you can see whether it contains a description.


Notice the colours
Every day has its own backgrunds color to make it easier to keep track of what day you are on. The colour of the background to each activity changes when it is carried out.
The menu contains further functions, and we plan to add settings that allow you to change the functions and design of the app in the near future. Open the menu by clicking on the three short bars in the left corner. This will make further functions available.

My activities
This function displays an overview of your image calendar.

Click here if you are wondering how to use the app.

New activities are automatically downloaded every 30 minutes (also when the app is closed). Click on the “Reload” button to download new activities (if any) at any time.

Log out
The app will never log you out unless you request it to. If you want to log out, simply press the button.