At DayCape, we want to create the best and safest technology products for children. We rely on a group of great and caring designers, engineers, and thinkers to develop, test, modify, and deliver great products. And we will maintain the highest ethical standards with regard to our treatment of the information that children generate online, and (whenever relevant to our operations), the rights of children in general.
The purpose of this Code is to assure that all of our employees and partners share our commitment to the responsible business practices highlighted previously, and detailed in the following sections.
Ethical Business Conduct of the Highest Standards
DayCape adheres to the highest ethical standards when conducting business. This Code of Conduct (herein after referred to as “the Code”) has been written so that all employees and affiliates know what is expected of them.
We require that all such parties:
-Read and understand the Code,
-Sign an written acknowledgement that they have done so, and
-Ensure that their conduct fully meets with the Code.
DayCape expects nothing less than full compliance with the Code.
Basis of the Code
The DayCape Code of Conduct is written in line with the UN Global Compact. It points to the principles that govern the relationship with employees, business partners and other stakeholders.
Our Code of Conduct is based on respect for:
-The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
-The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
-The International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
-The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
-The United Nations Convention Against Corruption
-The Children’s Rights and Business Principles
Legal Compliance and the Code
DayCape actively promotes compliance with all laws, rules and regulations in each country in which we operate. Where provisions of applicable laws and the Code address the same subject and are not in conflict, the highest standard shall be applied.
Business Integrity
No DayCape employee or affiliate may offer, ask, give, or accept, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage for personal gain from any third party, unless it can be constituted as being within the boundaries of accepted business practices.
Fair competition
DayCape is firmly committed to fair competition and open markets. All DayCape employees and affiliates are expected to protect the interests of DayCape’s final consumers – the children – anywhere in the world, and to fight against collusive practices in every aspect of their activities.
Conflict of Interest
Business decisions are always made in the best interest of DayCape. The power invested in us by the company may not be used for other goals than furthering DayCape’s interests. Personal relations or considerations may never influence our decision-making. This includes not only potential gains for us, but also for our relatives and friends.
Financial reporting
Employees involved in financial reporting shall always provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that DayCape files with, submits, or presents to any and all external parties.
Treating People With Respect
DayCape supports and respects the protection of the internationally proclaimed human rights and ensures that human rights violations do not occur in DayCape-related activities. DayCape expects that all affiliates meet the same standard.
Respect and support for children’s rights
Given our vision, mission and values, children’s rights are the core of our operations, and DayCape takes special consideration to respect and support children’s rights.
Fair working conditions
All employees are entitled to fundamental human rights. Employees shall not be forced to work more than the limits on regular overtime hours allowed by the law of the country in which they are employed. Overtime shall be compensated at the legally required rate. The rights of employees to freely associate and to bargain collectively, in accordance with the laws of the countries in which they are employed, shall be recognized and respected.
DayCape does not accept discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, union membership, political affiliation, or age.
Occupational health and safety
Safety at work is important. Adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health shall be taken by minimizing the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. And by providing appropriate safety equipment. This includes physical and mental health. We do not tolerate discrimination or sexual, physical or mental harassment (including bullying) of our employees or social entrepreneurs.
Precautionary approach, minimizing environmental impact
DayCape employees and affiliates shall comply with the environmental laws and regulations applicable to local surroundings, wherever in the world they may be. DayCape promotes sustainable development and strives to reduce its impacts on the environment whenever possible.
Reporting Violations
If and when an employee, contractor, or affiliate is informed of, or suspects any activities that may be in violation of this Code, it is this person’s responsibility to report it. Reports can be sent via email to